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12-02 2022
Room-Temperature Magnetoelectric Coupling in Atomically Thin ...         Yuzhu Wang,Peng Wang,Hao Wang,Bingqian Xu,Hui Li,Mo Cheng,Wang Feng,Ruofan Du,Luying Song,Xia Wen,Xiaohui Li,Junbo Yang,Yao Cai,Jun He,Zhenxing Wang,Jianping Shi.Advanced Materials.(史建平 王振兴)Abstract:        Two-dimensional (2D) multiferroics with magnetoelectric coupling combine the magnetic order and electric polarization in a single phase, provide a cornerstone for constructi...
10-27 2022
High-Speed Sequential Deposition of Photoactive Layer for Org...         Rui Sun,Tao Wang,Xinrong Yang,Yao Wu,Yang Wang,Qiang Wu,Maojie Zhang,Christoph J. Brabec,Yongfang Li &Jie Min.Nature Energy(闵杰)Abstract:        Despite the great success of organic photovoltaics in terms of device efficiency and stability at the laboratory scale, pressing demand for high-throughput and cost-effective solutions remains unresolved and rarely reported. Here we propose ...
10-26 2022
An alloy small molecule acceptor for green printing organic s...         Ji Wan, Yao Wu, Rui Sun, Jiawei Qiao,Xiaotao Hao andJie Min.Energy & Environmental Science.(闵杰)Abstract:​        How to design organic solar cell (OSC) systems with high device efficiency and excellent processing performance is still one of the urgent issues to be solved. Herein, we designed an asymmetric acceptor BTP-F3Cl and incorporated it into the PM1:L8-BO blend. Compared wit...
10-19 2022
Tailoring Dirac fermions byinsitutunable high-order moirépa...         ​Chunlong Wu, Qiang Wan, Cao Peng, Shangkun Mo, Renzhe Li, Keming Zhao, Yanping Guo, Shengjun Yuan, Fengcheng Wu, Chendong Zhang, and Nan Xu.Phys. Rev. Lett.(徐楠)Abstract:        We report an experimental study of a high-order moiré pattern formed in graphene-monolayer xenon heterostructure. The moiré period is in situ tuned from few nanometers to +∞, by adjusting the lattice cons...
10-17 2022
Two-dimensional multiferroic material of metallic p-doped SnS...         Ruofan Du,Yuzhu Wang,Mo Cheng,Peng Wang,Hui Li,Wang Feng,Luying Song,Jianping Shi&Jun He.Nature Communications(史建平、何军)Abstract:        Two-dimensional multiferroic materials have garnered broad interests attributed to their magnetoelectric properties and multifunctional applications. Multiferroic heterostructures have been realized, nevertheless, the direct coupling between ferr...
10-10 2022
Nickel-Catalyzed Cross-Redistribution between Hydrosilanes an...         Shaowei Chen,Xiaoqian He,Chenyu Jin,Weilu Zhang,Yuxi Yang,Shanshan Liu,Yu Lan,K. N. Houk,Xiao Shen.Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.(沈晓)Abstract        Silanes are important in chemistry and material science. The self-redistribution of HSiCl3 is an industrial process to prepare SiH4, which is widely used in electronics and automobile industries. However, selective silane cross-redistribution to pr...
09-22 2022
Nickel-Catalyzed Defluorinative Asymmetric Cyclization of Flu... Kuai Wang,Jiachang Chen,Wenfeng Liu, Wangqing Kong.Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.(孔望清)Abstract        The introduction of fluorine-containing groups into organic molecules can significantly affect their physical and chemical properties and has long been used as an effective strategy for drug discovery and development. Consequently, the development of catalytic asymmetric methods for the synthesis of f...