时 间:2020年9月15日上午09:00
地 点:高等研究院530会议室
报告人:李博,Institute for Basic Science, Center for Soft and Living Matter,博士后
报告题目:Breaking the Boundaries of Mechanical Cell Biology and Soft Condensed Matter Physics
New research topics have emerged from bringing together the conventional 20th century disciplines of physics, biology and chemistry. Breaking the boundaries, my research focuses on the relaxation and migration behaviors in non-equilibrium systems, which are subjected to flux of energy or to intriguing chemical/biological signal pathways. In the first experiment, we investigate the migration of confluent epithelia cells in the bottleneck geometry. Up-conversed from single cell, the colony self-organized into a stunk structure that facilitates the migration of the whole group. The process is traced to long-range mechanical signal propagation. The spontaneous acceleration of leader cells triggers the positive feedback between cell morphology and mechanical strength and eventually leads to the group behavior. In the second experiment, we drive the colloidal glasses out of equilibrium by highly focused laser pulses and probed the response of the system afterwards. We identify a non-monotonic dynamical length scale as a function of area fraction, resulting from the condensation of dynamical grains. Our experiments highlight how the complexity of the building blocks and their interplay with the environments lead to exotic collective behaviors in non-equilibrium systems.